Settings Metadata

Important: The following metatags are used to set specific settings and functions for your searchmercial listing. Some metatags are optional as they have default settings.

Property Content Required

The canonical URL of your searchmercial that will be used as its permanent ID, (duplicates are NOT allowed.) This value must match the actual URL where metatags reside.


The canonical URL helps prevent duplicate content issues. It does this by specifying the "canonical URL", the "preferred" version of a web page. Using it well improves a site's SEO on Searchmercials and other search engines.

For example:
<meta property='os:settings:canonical' content='' />
os:settings:type A type of searchmercials as indicated in the table below. YES
For example:
<meta property='os:settings:type' content='Company' />
See table below for options and criteria...
Types Criteria

Business and Industry Directory Listings provide official broadcasts about organizations that offer products and services to businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C).


<meta property='os:type' content='Organizations' />"

Shopping Searchmercials provide information on shopping over the internet and directs users to the resources, tools and functionalities that enhance online shopping; and also provides information on commercial exchanges in general related to shopping, both for businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C); with a primary focus on presentation and information and call to action related to shopping.


<meta property='os:type' content='Products' />"

Services Searchmercials provide information on professional and specialized services such as financial services, legal services, consulting services, support services, etc.; and on commercial exchanges in general related to professional and specialized services, both for businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C); with a primary focus on presentation and information and call to action related to professional and specialized services.


<meta property='os:type' content='Services' />"

Reference and Information Searchmercials provide information on referential and information sources, as well as vertical references and other categorized information distributors, such as: portals, search engines, yellow pages, dictionaries, bibliographies, directories, etc. which aim to inform, market and sell information related to links and references for both businesses (B2B) as well as consumers (B2C), with a primary focus on presentation and information and call to action related to referential and information sources.


<meta property='os:type' content='Reference' />"

Events Directory provides information on special events as well as commercial exchanges related to events in general, both for businesses (B2B), as well as consumers (B2C), with a primary focus on presentation and information s, news s, advertisement s related to events.


<meta property='os:type' content='Events' />"

Classifieds Searchmercials provide information on classified ads; and on commercial exchanges in general related to the classifieds, both for businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C); with a primary focus on presentation and information and call to action related to classified ads.


<meta property='os:type' content='Classifieds' />"

Entertainment Searchmercials provide information on entertainment such as games, movies, live events, music, PPV, etc.; and on commercial exchanges related to entertainment in general, both for businesses (B2B), as well as consumers (B2C), with a primary focus on presentation and information and call to action related to entertainment.


<meta property='os:type' content='Entertainment' />"

Leisure and Recreation Searchmercials provide information on leisure and recreation activities; and on commercial exchanges in general related to leisure and recreation, both for businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2C); with a primary focus on presentation and information and call to action related to leisure and recreation activities.


<meta property='os:type' content='Recreation' />"

The topic metatag is used for indexing into the searchmercials directory.


Should be a subcategory of the searchmercial type (os:type) metatag. For example: Type = Business, Topic = Accounting or Type = Service, Topic = Landscaping.

For example:
<meta property='os:settings:topic' content='Accounting' />

A brief elaboration of the topic subject matter.


This field is used to assist our Directory Services Editors in indexing your searchmercial in the Directory. (150 characteers)

For example:
<meta property='os:settings:subject' content='Bookkeeping and Accounting services for the Atlanta Metro Area.' />

The system will revisit your URL and update the metadata automatically based on this setting.


It is specified in the number of days. For example, if you need to specify an interval of 3 months, the correct syntax would be specified in days, not months. Example: 3 months = 93 days

If this tag is not present, the URL will be checked for accuracy and validation of media assets and metadata periodically. If the current metatags validation is different from original post, the URL may become inactive until corrected. You will receive an email that your searchmercial listing is inactive with intructions on how to deal with the ticket.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that metatags and metadata is not changed often as it will cause the system to have to re-index the searchmercial and you will losse your SEO rank in Searchmercials and other systems and search engines.

For example:
<meta property='os:settings:revisit-after' content='93 days' />
*It is recommended that a URL and its metadata not change constantly as URL and Searchmercials are shared in social sites as well as other sharing platforms and the data will be different on the currently updated URL from the previous version of the shared URL. We make this feature available due to the fact that in some cases it is pertinent that the content changes periodically, we recommend you change the media assets themselves if necessary leaving all metadata intact, but in the end, it is up to the discretion of the publisher how this is handled.

The metatag distribution defines the level or degree of distribution of your URL and how it should be classified in relation to methods of distribution on the Searchmercials system.


The expires meta tag defines the expiration date and time of the document being indexed. If tag is not present listing will NEVER expire.

For example:
<meta property='os:settings:expires' content='01/01/2020' />
*Most common use for this tag are time sensative URLs. For example holiday URLs, event URLs, etc...

Name OR DOMAIN of the site.


If your object is part of a larger web site, the name which should be displayed for the overall site. The site name is sused to assign the account ID or network ID. Tipically this would be a domain name or company trademark.

For example:
<meta property='os:settings:site_name' content='' />

Compatible with : Open Graph

Open Graph example:
<meta property='og:site_name' content='' />

An URL to an Icon representing your company or network. Accepted format is PNG.

For example:

The Icon settings is used to assign the account or network with an icon similar to how a site uses a favicon to brand/identify the site. Width = 310px & Height 310px with clear background preferred.

<meta property='os:settings:icon' content='http://mywebsite/icon.png' />

The meta tag distribution defines the level or degree of distribution of your webpage and how it should be classified in relation to methods of distribution on the world wide web.


There are currently only three forms of distribution supported by the distribution tag:

For example:
  • Global (default value) - indicates that your webpage is intended for everyone(default value)
  • Local - intended for local distribution of your document (os:locational:coverage is required if local)
  • IU - Internal Use, not intended for public distribution (listing will only be displayed in your API upon authentication)

<meta property='os:settings:distribution' content='global' />

The meta tag is_adult defines the maturity of the audience and content.


There are only two options for the is_adult metatag true or false. Although it is not allowed to display mature content in Searchmercials (adult searchmercials should be done tastefully) we MUST be careful NOT to lead minors to mature content. Mature content relates to nudity, porn, weapons, violence, crime, profanity, mature subjects, mature content, as well as other searchmercial types, topics and subject matter that may be considered for mature audiences over the age of 18.


  • FALSE - indicates that your webpage is intended for everyone(audiences of all ages)
  • TRUE - intended for audiences over 18 years of age.
For example:
<meta property='os:settings:is_adult' content='FALSE' />
* If the os:settings:is_adult metatag is not present, the URL will NOT be indexed.

In most cases it is also required to place the RTA (Restricted To Adults) label between your head tags on URLs containing adult subject matter. Learn more

For Example:
<meta name="RATING" content="RTA-5042-1996-1400-1577-RTA" />
Please read "Publisher Responsibility" listed below before continuing forward with this documentation.

To All Publishers

Searchmercials is a new and informative way to search and market on World Wide Web. They are directed and intended for connected devices, Internet TV, connected program guides and other similar applications. Utilized properly the provide huge benefits to publishers and publishers inteded audiences alike.

It is the responsibility of every publisher to know and understand who is their intended and target audience. These metatags are used to identify and segemnt that intended audience. Not utilized properly can and WILL likely be construed as an illegal act on the publisher's part, as it is indicated on the publisher's matatags on your URLs.

For example, if you have mature content on your URL and the metatags is set for all audiences, it is probable and very likely that authorities will be contacting you, and the notion that this was an accident CANNOT be widely accepted, as the publisher's intention is defined in the metatags and these metatags are set only by the publisher and their webmasters. In most cases, charges will be filed, with little to NO defense on the publisher's part, since this setting is ONLY set by the publisher.

Audio and Video Searchmercials are 70% more impactful that regular text-based search results, therefore, we provide safeguards in order to protect both, publishers as well as minors, as long as the parameters of these metatags are being adhered to. We understand that information and content has their targeted audiences, and we support this, but if publisher's are intending to exploit, inform, or provide minors with mature subject matter, WE WILL SEEK TO PENALIZE IN ANY AND ALL POSSIBLE FORMS and MEANS available to us.

The Searchmercials system adheres to rules of the FCC, CIPA, and NETmundial.